2015 Sock Drive is Guaranty’s best yet

While most may shrug at the possibility of getting socks for Christmas, for others, it’s a blessing and a big warm smile. Which is why Guaranty has helped collect socks and hats for the needy for the past 10 years. This year, Guaranty was able to make their largest donation to date. In total, Santa and his Guaranty helpers dropped off over 2,000 pairs of socks, 50 hand-knitted hats and a tote full of Beanie Babies to the First Place Family Center in Eugene today.

Having warm feet in the wintertime can really make a big difference in one’s health and outlook. Thanks to Barbara Nill and her faithful RVers, Guaranty has now donated over 16,000 pairs of socks to various St. Vincent de Paul assistance centers and the Junction City Local Aid.

The socks are donated by a variety of sources throughout the year. Guaranty employees donate through a fun competition among the different departments cleverly titled “Socktober.” Others come from community members and RVers at weekly BBQs and Guaranty Travelers rallies.

Six years ago, travel club members Ole and Lauretta Numen from Brookings, Ore. began hand-knitting hats in their free time while RVing. These hats are now a staple of the Christmas time donation Guaranty makes to those in need.

Another 1,000 pairs of socks, about 50 more hand-knitted hats and lots more Beanie Babies will make their way to the Junction City Local Aid later this week, in time for Christmas.

First Place Family Center is a facility in South Eugene where families of low income, in transition or in danger of losing their home, can stay and get support to become self-sufficient. Since 1945, Junction City Local Aid has provided a food pantry, clothing, and support to low-income residents in the area.

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