Thoughts on the Newmar RV Awards

Dear Guaranty:

As I write this I am at thirty thousand feet or so above the earth. Don and I are coming home from the Newmar dealer meetings which we attend every year. Last night was the awards dinner they hold each year to honor the best performing dealers in sales, service excellence and customer satisfaction, the last being the coveted Mahlon Miller Award for the dealers with the highest CSI. It was our great pleasure to go up on stage three times last night as winners in all three categories. Each time we went up on stage I was grateful certainly but humbled as well.

You see, although I am up there with Don getting my picture taken and hearing all the other dealers clap for us and shaking hands with all the movers at Newmar; I don’t directly sell anything, I don’t service anything and although I do deal with a dozen or so customers each year my contribution to those good CSI scores is probably not very much if at all. So, yes it was fun to get up on stage but the best part was being able to represent every one of you, Don included, who actually earned these honors. Thank you very much, let’s do it again next year.

Have a great week everybody and come over to Family RV’s or Service and see the awards you achieved.


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