Guaranty and community organizations

Did you know that Guaranty is involved with many community organizations? Along with being Friends of Boy Scouts and sponsoring a golf tournament and fundraiser, Guaranty participates in Lions Club activities such as collecting used eyeglasses and hearing aids and regularly donates to United Way.

We’ve been a part of this community for more than 45 years and will continue to be. And it is your continued patronage that helps us to be an effective partner in our community.

2013 — By the Numbers
1,200 pairs of socks collected and donated to St. Vincent de Paul.
250 hand-knitted hats donated.
61 Gifts donated to residents of Grandview Rehab & Speciality Care Center.
1,589 lbs. of food and $1,000 in cash collected.
89 pairs of eyeglasses collected and donated to Lions Club.

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